WomenConnect Committee

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Name: WomenConnect Committee
Date: May 22, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
You are cordially invited to join WomenConnect on Wed, May 22nd, from noon to 1:00 p.m., at the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Our guest speaker will be Laura Tyree with Dragonfly Studios. She’ll provide a presentation on self-care and share some yoga poses we can do at work when we’re feeling a little stressed.
Please RSVP and pay for your lunch. 

FWB Chamber of Commerce
34 Miracle Strip Parkway, SE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Contact Information:
$20 lunch option at registration
Bring your lunch
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of www.fwbchamber.org/ – Contact the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce for more information.
34 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 – (850) 244-8191 – info@fwbchamber.org