• Chamber Life: Stories from the life and times of Fort Walton Beach Chamber members...




  • Viet Nam Vets Ed Hubbard and Tom Moody: Heroes Among Us

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Ed Hubbard joined the United States Air Force in 1955. He flew the RB66 Destroyer while stationed in England and spent nine months in France. One Saturday afternoon, he received orders to deploy to Thailand. Ed dropped off his family in the U.S. and went to the Philippines for three weeks of survival school. He was stationed at Takhli Air Base in Thailand flying into Vietnam. Thirty days later he was shot down by a surface to air missile. Ed spent eight hours in the jungle before he was captured. He spent six years, seven months, and 12 days in prison.

    In prison, two Cuban interrogators controlled ten Americans in one building. One day, guards threw a new American prisoner on the floor. He was comatose, couldn’t speak or eat, and was beaten badly. After three days, they had to do something.

    The group decided to force-feed him twice a day. They did this for a year. At this time Ed had a broken jaw, lost 75 pounds, and boils all over his body. He was supposed to die. Feeding this comatose American taught him something. He cites a quote from the book, Man’s Search for Meaning: “Life without a purpose is no life at all.” Keeping this man alive kept Ed alive.

    Feeding took one-and-a-half hours. Four people held him down. They held his nose shut and put a stick in his mouth. He had to swallow to breath. He regained consciousness one time and was almost normal, but in 1970, he died.

    Ed was put in solitary confinement twice for 30 days each and once for 91 days. He wasn’t cooperating with the indoctrination and wrote something the guards didn’t like. He was beaten every day for 28 days.

    In solitary, Ed paced the floor all day talking to himself, convincing himself he would be OK. He decided if he changed the way he viewed the situation, he could change how he dealt with it. He tried to think of who had it worse than he did. His answer was orphans, because they don’t know who their parents are. He decided 90% of people in the world had it worse than he did.

    He promised himself he would survive no matter what. Ed says a pity trap is where you go to die. He vowed he would never feel sorry for himself again and would never have another bad day as long as he lived.

    In January of 1973 the peace treaty ended his tour and he was released. He flew for 12 more years.

    Ed had no problem adjusting to coming home. In fact, he went back to Hanoi on the 30th and 50th anniversaries of Vietnam. Walking out of the prison door, he looked around, and thought he would never have done all he has done in the last 50 years had he not been a POW.

    He has been to 84 countries and spoken to four million people as a motivational speaker. He has no animosity towards the North Vietnamese. He saw many POWs who were filled with hate and they suffered. Ed says it up to us to decide how we want to live. He says you can’t make him have a bad day and he hasn’t had one since.

    Tom Moody joined the United States Army out of high school. His dad wanted him to go to college and become a civil engineer. Tom decided college was not for him and went to the Navy recruiting office downtown. He wanted to be a pilot and the Navy told him he had to have a four-year degree. So, Tom went to the Army recruiter. They had an opening for military police. After some time, Tom decided he didn’t want to be a security guard and heard the 82nd Airborne needed paratroopers. He worked his way up and joined the 1st Army Aviation Battalion, was a part of the Rangers, went to jump school, and OCS school. He went through flight school and became a helicopter pilot. He was the only Sergeant who was Airborne Ranger qualified.

    He was part of the Aviation Battalion at Ft. Bragg, renamed the 118th Air Assault Unit. This unit was first into Vietnam. Tom received the Soldiers Medal for Heroism in 1970 for the following incident.

    Tom was flying the command and control helicopter above the landing zone on a mission to transport troops to a particular opening with jungle on both sides. One helicopter was there to disperse smoke to protect the troops from being seen and shot at. This helicopter ran into a tree, tipped over and caught fire. Tom landed his helicopter close to the wreckage. He ran into the fire, grabbed the pilot, and carried him 50 yards to his helicopter. He went back for the crew chief and carried him over his shoulder. He transported the pilot and crew chief to medivac and they survived.

    Tom spent 39 months in Vietnam! After his first tour, the Army sent him back to the U.S. and told him he was going to Germany. Tom said he wanted to go back to Vietnam. After the second year, the Army sent him back to the U.S. and again told him he was going to Germany. Tom said he still didn’t want to go to Germany and wanted to go back to Vietnam. That third tour was extended three months.

    During his first tour, the helicopter door gunners, from the 25th Infantry out of Hawaii, only had M14 rifles.  The next tour, the door gunners had machine guns. They often coordinated with the Air Force F100s for support. One time Tom was sent up north at Thanksgiving to rescue POWs but they had been moved.

    He says they did what they were told to do, didn’t ask questions, and didn’t know the big picture. They were there to support their brothers. In retrospect, Tom thinks the U.S. government got us into a war we shouldn’t have gotten into. We lost over 50 thousand men. Their hands were tied because they couldn’t shoot unless shot at.

    Out of 7000 helicopters in Vietnam, 3000 were destroyed. Eleven hundred helicopter pilots lost their lives and 1200 crew were killed. From start to end, 100,000 pilots and crew served in Vietnam.

    After Tom retired, he owned a well-known boating business in Destin. He is a humble and generous man who enthusiastically acknowledges the contribution and bravery of others. He has been named Crestview’s Citizen of the Year.

    This year the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce will be hosting - Honoring Our Heroes, a tribute to our Vietnam veterans on the 50th anniversary of the end of the war. The April 28-30th event will be filled with historical presentations, panel discussions, and a banquet featuring distinguished speakers. The event is open to the public, with free admission to the educational programs on April 28-29. Ticket information for the Heroes' Tribute Banquet on April 30 is available online at FWBchamber.org.













  • Mayor Dick Rynearson : A Life of American Service

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Dick Rynearson was born in Ohio, in 1945. Graduating from Kent State University in 1967, he immediately entered the Air Force and graduated pilot training in February of 1969. His first aircraft was the Caribou; (C-7A) a twin-engine, short takeoff and landing utility transport. It could carry 26 fully equipped paratroops, 20 patients, or more than three tons of equipment.

    In June of 1969, Dick deployed to Viet Nam. He flew army personnel, ammunition, food, and supplies, including ducks, chickens, and pigs to various locations in S. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Dick loved every minute of it.

    A situation occurred requiring Dick and his crew’s help. Viet Cong nailed a snake to a village sign “casting a spell”. Villagers said the only way to remove this curse, was to sacrifice a White Water Buffalo. Dick got orders to transport a White Water Buffalo to the village.

    They loaded up the buffalo and tied his nose ring to the rings on the floor of the plane. The buffalo had 360 degrees of motion. Everything was fine until the engine started. This startled the buffalo and he lost control of his bowels in a 360 degree radius.

    Dick received a call on the radio informing him of a detail not mentioned earlier. Removing the spell wouldn’t work unless the right forefoot of the buffalo was the first foot out of the plane. The loadmaster procured a jeep, tied the right forefoot to the bumper, and gently pulled the buffalo down the ramp. Fifteen minutes later, the buffalo was sacrificed and the spell was broken.

    A more serious mission, resulting in Dick’s Silver Star occurred in April of 1970 - the Siege of Dak Seang. Several hundred people lived there. Twenty-five to twenty-eight U.S. Army Rangers were defending the camp. The North Vietnamese wanted it because it was a critical crossroads for travel in a valley. The rangers were running out of ammunition.

    Dick was in Cam Ranh Bay, working in the scheduling room when the phone rang asking how many crews could be ready to take ammo to Dak Seang. Three crews were ready along with two additional crews from another base.

    It was 7:00 p.m. and still daylight. There were mountains on three sides with one way in and out. The planes flew in 20 seconds apart. They needed to avoid the 50mm gun on a particular hill. They couldn’t land on the runway because it had been blown up. The planes flew six feet above the runway and shoved the supplies out. Then they turned to fly out, climbing to avoid arms fire. Dick’s best friend flew over that hill and was hit by the 50mm gun. Dick saw the fire and watched the plane go down. His friend and the crew died.

    Next time, they decided to go in under cover of darkness. They painted the bellies of the planes black and went in at 11 p.m. The rangers lit fires along the runway. It worked great. They were shot at but not hit. The crews went back multiple times until the camp was saved. Dick served 366 days in Viet Nam.

    His next assignment was flying B-52Gs in Blytheville, Arkansas. While sitting nuclear alert one day, Dick got the call telling him he was being deployed. The next morning his crew flew to Guam.

    The mission was to drop iron bombs in South Vietnam and Cambodia. No one shot at them during the 12-14-hour missions. Four months later he came home. Twenty-eight days later he got another call. He was going back. During this second tour, before Christmas, President Nixon ordered a massive carpet-bombing campaign in North Vietnam, primarily Hanoi. Officially called Operation Linebacker II, it became known as the 11 Days of Christmas.

    Now Dick was bombing in North Vietnam and the enemy was shooting back with SA2 missiles. The B-52Gs did not have missile defense to work against SA2 missiles.  Three hundred pilots were called into a briefing, shown the target on the map, and were told six percent of them were not coming home. Eighteen planes were lost. Dick says he was lucky. He and all who participated were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

    Dick came home. An engineer by degree, he came to Eglin AFB to be in on the ground floor of testing the IIR Maverick missile. It was a three-year tour which lasted four-and-a-half years.

    Then it was time to go back to the B52Gs at Fairchild AFB in Washington as senior captain. He was offered the opportunity to work for Hughes Aircraft in California and separated from the Air Force. During that time he earned his Master’s degree and began working on the AMRAAM missile until his first retirement in 2005.

    After retiring, he helped his wife Janie in her shop- P.S. Gifts. He started watching city council meetings and was concerned about the contentious nature of the meetings. He ran for city council, served two terms, and then ran for mayor. His second and last term as mayor is up in April 2025.  In 2019 KBR asked him to come back to work in the missile business, where he is today.

    Sixteen years serving in public office while still working is Dick’s version of “retirement”. Describing himself as “100% pure American”, he loves his country, and would do anything to defend it. He says he’s had a great life, married for 58 years to his childhood sweetheart, having four children, 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Dick isn’t done yet. He has a saying, “If you rest, you rust.”













  • The Emerald Coast Science Center’s Diane Fraser: Discovering the Chemistry between Science and Community

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Diane was born in Mobile, AL, graduated from Niceville High School, earned her undergraduate degree from Huntington College, and her master’s degree from University of Alabama at Birmingham.

    Armed with her chemistry and forensic science degrees, she moved to Salt Lake City. In her 20’s she was looking forward to seeing something different and broadening her horizons. She enjoyed working in a forensic toxicology lab doing cutting edge research. Diane will tell you television shows about crime scene investigation are not true to life. The script will combine six jobs into one character. Diane met her husband in Salt Lake City.

    Diane and her husband moved to Cincinnati, after they were married, where she worked for five years as a research chemist at the Food and Drug Administration. The Forensic Chemistry Center participated in a lot of criminal investigations. If someone had an adverse effect from some food, or chemical, etc., her team would try to find out what was in there that made the person sick.

    While in Cincinnati, her husband traveled a lot and was gone all week. They decided to move back to Fort Walton Beach in 1999. His family was there and her family was in Niceville. Diane quit work and became a full-time mom. She has taught as an adjunct professor at UWF since 2003 and joined the Emerald Coast Science Center (ECSC) board in the spring of 2014.

    The lease for the building at the Fort Walton Beach Landing had expired and the director at the time, purchased the current building in October of 2014. Because Diane’s oldest daughter was by that time, in college and her youngest could drive, Diane volunteered to help move everything to the new building.

    A couple of weeks into November, the ECSC director left to become a full-time teacher. The board asked Diane to be the interim director while they looked for a replacement. In 2015, Diane became the permanent director. It was a leap of faith. There was no money to invest in new exhibits and programs, there hadn’t been investments in a while, and the science center didn’t have the strongest reputation. It took a couple of years to change the perception. The experience of attending the science center needed to change between visits or why would anyone come back.

    With no business experience, but plenty of ignorance and enthusiasm, Diane didn’t know how scared she should be. She started writing grants and with board guidance began to make friends in the community, improved the science center’s reputation, got some investments, generated more revenue, and began to build small successes.

    The ECSC generates revenue by charging admission. They host field trips from Okaloosa County, Walton County, and Alabama. They also have home school programs. Fundraising programs along with personal and corporate donations help the science center to keep moving forward.

    When asked to share the greatest lesson she’s learned, Diane says collaboration within the community is the most impactful lesson. The first two years were focused on investing and income generation to become stable. Then Covid happened. There was a big concern over the lack of field trips for two years.

    The science center board met weekly and the community stepped up. Diane gets emotional when she talks about the community support. The Fort Walton Chamber was also there with support. Ted Corcoran made connections in the community for Diane to foster. Facebook generated donations of five dollars, ten dollars, or one hundred dollars. The science center was reinvigorated. So many people helped. Diane and the board wanted to say thank you.

    The ECSC began to give free passes to the United Way, foster programs, guardian ad litem programs, and Big Brothers. Anyone with EDT or SNAP can show their card and four people get in for $12. Normally the fee is $12 per person. Diane says the science center is not serving the mission if a lot of the population doesn’t have access. Many families can’t afford admission and still pay bills. One of these kids could be the scientist to solve the next big problem.

    The ECSC houses 60 animals. There are birds, reptiles, tortoises, chinchillas, geckos, tarantulas, turtles, parrots, hedgehogs, and hermit crabs to name a few. They name their animals after scientists. There are 14 employees including two animal care specialists who work 365 days a year, seven educators, three of whom work full-time and front desk personnel.

    Among the many science center offerings, there are summer camp programs, a presence at festivals, libraries, day care centers, hosting birthday parties, and even Girl Scout badge workshops. The science center also participates in beach cleanup events twice a year.

    Diane says no one can do this by themselves. The ECSC is celebrating 10 years in the community and have now exceeded their pre-pandemic numbers. The ECSC has room to grow. Every day they celebrate the chemistry developed between the ECSC and the community.











  • Jerry Williams: The American Dream & the Very Human Experience

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Jerry Williams retired as the highly respected and successful President/CEO of Eglin Federal Credit Union (EFCU) and moved back into his newly remodeled home four weeks prior to this interview. He and his wife Jean feel like they have a new home. It even has that “new house smell”. They love their Poquito Bayou neighborhood, knowing their neighbors, and walking their rescue dogs. Jerry and Jean have been married 21 years.

    Jerry was born in Crestview, FL. His dad was a farm boy from Baker, FL and his mother a city girl from Bloomington, IN. Jerry’s Army vet dad and his mother met in Indiana. They married and moved to Baker. It turned out “Green Acres” was not the place to be, for her, and they moved to Fort Walton Beach when Jerry was six years old.

    After attending local elementary and high schools, he attended OWJC and UWF, earning a degree in mathematics. His dad was an air conditioning mechanic on Eglin AFB and Jerry credits learning his blue-collar work ethic and trouble-shooting skills from him. He credits his people skills to his mother. A real mix of the two people.

    After he graduated high school, his mom and dad took a contract labor job to clean the EFCU building on Eglin AFB at night. While attending OWJC, Jerry cleaned the Hurlburt location at night to pay for school.

    He went on to be engineer support for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in West Palm Beach. In Jerry’s words, he was a geek who applied mathematical formulas to the engineer’s work. He was then offered a job at a small defense contractor developing the AMRAAM missile seeker at Eglin, AFB.

    Bill Webster, president of a small company in Fort Walton Beach, lured Jerry away from the defense industry. They moved to Memphis where Bill started a company developing software for credit unions. EFCU was their largest client. Bill eventually sold his company and moved back to Fort Walton Beach. While Jerry was in Memphis, Jim Appleton, president of EFCU, called and offered him the position of Vice President of Data Processing. He moved back to Fort Walton Beach in 1994.

    He held various IT positions over 20 years. During this time, he met his wife Jean who was Bill Webster’s sister. She was working at Bank of America.

    Thinking about the future and the idea he may be considered for president one day, he decided it was time to “quit being a nerd” and get out of the computer room. Jerry joined co-worker Sherry Harlow at FWB Chamber events. He talks glowingly about chairing the Military Affairs Committee, being an Honorary Commander at Hurlburt Field, and being an Eglin 33rd Fighter Wing Civic leader. These associations gave him deep appreciation and knowledge about military bases in our community and opened many doors.

    In 2014, he was made president of EFCU. He was invited to numerous events and felt he was invited because of the person he was, not the positioned he held. He retired after 30 years of service to EFCU. Jerry knows there will less invitations coming his way. Still passionate about being involved in the community, he told his co-worker Neko Stubblefield, he still makes a great “+1”.

    When asked how he created the enthusiastic culture at EFCU, as demonstrated by the large turnout of employees at events and their contagious excitement, Jerry says the more involved he was, the more involved his employees were. Leading by example, he told the team he would “be at the front of the band leading the charge.” He also worked to make sure there were resources to support community involvement. EFCU eventually joined at the highest membership levels at all chambers, with his board’s support.

    He and Jean enjoyed traveling to conferences and being involved in the community. They discovered they enjoyed bike riding together. They recently completed a six-day, 171-mile ride along the shores of Lake Michigan.

    Retirement holds challenges for Jerry and Jean. He has been diagnosed with Genetic Ataxia, a general term for diminished motor skills. There are 75-100 variations, but it basically means a faulty protein is causing the cerebellum to die. He has Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6). The blessing about this variation is, it is late onset and slow progression.

    The symptoms start with awkwardness and progress to fumbling and falling. Walking on uneven terrain or stairs is very difficult. His progression will involve using a cane, a walker, and then a wheel chair. Talking and eating will be affected. He and Jean have remodeled their home to be accessible, no matter what happens.

    Jerry wasn’t born with a quitter gene. If he falls down, he gets up. He will minimize the effect and maximize what he can do. In the past he’s been scuba diving and sky diving. At 57 he competed in an Ironman triathlon. He can’t run now, but can still bike and swim. He uses a recumbent mountain bike and magnetic shoes and pedals. There is a Multiple Sclerosis medication that is showing some promise and there will be decisions about whether he should try it or worry about side effects. He’s not done yet and is inspired by wounded warrior friends facing greater challenges than he faces.

    Jerry says he will keep moving forward and keep giving back. It is what it is, and it will become what it will become. He doesn’t want sympathy, but instead seeks awareness and understanding. He’s not ignoring his diagnosis but charging ahead. He considers himself blessed.












  • Cassandra Wohlin: Having Babies for Those Who Can’t

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Cassie is Office Coordinator for Fort Walton Beach Chiropractic. Growing up, her only ambition was to have babies and be a mom. She says her own mother was great and looked up to her for taking in babies and kids into their home. Her parents took in many kids over the years and some of them still call her parents mom and dad.

    Cassie met her husband when she was 15 years old and they married when she was 17 years old. Her husband had a daughter age two-and-a-half when they started dating. She was five years old when they married. Cassie was stepmom at 17. She and her husband wanted to wait five years before having their own children. They had their first daughter year five and 15 months later, had their second daughter. They wanted them to be close together.

    From Kansas originally, Cassie moved to Okaloosa County in 2016. Her husband was from here and she loves it. She hates the cold. Together, they fostered 14 kids over four years. Cassie met another foster mom who was a surrogate.

    Wanting to be a surrogate for others, Cassie learned you can’t be a surrogate until you have had your own biological children. She contacted Creative Family Connections in Maryland to explore surrogacy. Cassie liked the process of pregnancy and wanted to help people have children of their own.

    There are rules, such as you can’t be in financial need, your credit has to be good, and you have to be in good health. Cassie had to submit medical and financial records. The application is a robust screening process. Cassie likens it to a dating profile. There are lots of questions such as, who you are willing to carry a baby for. For example, are you willing to carry for singles or homosexuals? Are you open to having a continuing relationship with the parents and child?

    Cassie and her husband answered yes to these questions. She did choose to have one embryo at a time. Otherwise she might be having twins or triplets. Some women have five embryos transferred at a time because maybe only one will develop and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is expensive.

    Two gay men from Denmark wanted to have children of their own. The laws were different in their own country so they came to the United States. Each of them supplied sperm and utilized an egg donor to create the embryos. Gestational carriers have full embryos transferred. Cassie was their surrogate. She gave birth twice to sisters for the couple. The sisters are three and five now.

    Then a family friend contacted Cassie to be a surrogate. This one was a two-and-a-half year process. There were complications and Cassie had to have an emergency C-Section.  Cassie had already decided she would be done with having babies at number five. Surrogate agencies have different rules but there used to be a rule that you could only have five natural births.

    Cassie and her husband had made the decision to start having children young so they could go on their own adventures before retirement age. In fact they are planning a European trip and will visit the two gentlemen and their surrogate sisters while traveling.

    When asked if there was any difficulty in giving birth and then letting the surrogate babies go away, Cassie says no. There is no emotional attachment. She has no regrets and even knowing the difficulty she went through with the last pregnancy, would do it all again. While there is a financial benefit to surrogacy, she says it is heartwarming to see parents with their children. It is a giving experience and Cassie says there is a need for surrogates.












  • Daniel “Gus” Gusoff, Owner of Emerald Coast Harley Davidson: Rebel with a Cause

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Gus grew up as a city kid in Detroit, Michigan. When he was a young boy, riding in the back seat of the family car, Gus saw something that changed his life. His face, plastered against the window, he saw a bearded biker pull up beside the car. Gus could feel and hear the motorcycle before he could see it. The biker turned to see Gus and gave him a thumbs up. It was the coolest thing Gus had ever seen.

    A father who was a fire chief for 40 years in Detroit, a mother who worked for the Ford Motor Company, and his brothers, one a fireman and the other who works in technology, shows Gus came from a hard-working family. He went to college, played football, and after college got a “real job” in sales and advertising.

    Telling his parents corporate America was not for him, Gus went to the Harley Davidson store to sell bikes in 1997. The owner, who became a mentor, took Gus under his wing, showed him the business, and was patient while he made mistakes. After managing dealerships, his mentor helped make Gus’ dream come true. In 2014 Gus bought the Harley Davidson store on Beal Parkway in Fort Walton Beach.

    In the 10 years Gus has owned Emerald Coast Harley Davidson, the store has won national awards for sales and customer service. It helps to have a 120-year-old global, iconic brand. Another contributing factor is having a vision. Selling bikes happens but Gus feels the responsibility to be a community pillar with a dedication to helping the people and the community grow and develop. He lives here and raises his kids here. He and his employees volunteer. In fact, Harley Davidson has donated nearly 1 million dollars to various organizations in the community in the last 10 years.

    As with most companies, hiring and keeping a dedicated team is a challenge. The team needs to love the brand and want to work at Harley Davidson. The store is open late when others are closed, sometimes until 10 p.m., and open on weekends. There is a 90% failure rate when selling bikes. It is a want-based purchase not a need-based one. The team has to have the energy and emotion to make it happen. They can’t hide in a cubicle and it doesn’t matter if they are not “feeling it” on a particular day.

    The purchase of a bike is an entirely emotional decision. There is no logic. Gus loves hearing the journey someone has taken to arrive at his store ready to buy a bike. He doesn’t know what lives inside them to inspire them. Owning a bike represent freedom and escape. It’s a lifestyle.

    The customer base is very broad. The younger generation may say their dad had a Harley. An older customer has waited 20 years until the kids got out of school. The 90-year-old buys his 36th bike, a trike, and says it’s the best part of his day. Some will try to justify the purchase by saying the bike is to get to work. But, whatever the reasons, they trust Gus and his team to be a part of the decision. They’ve done their research beforehand and no matter what their friends may say, they have the courage to walk in the store.

    There are misconceptions people have. Some think all bikers are like Sons of Anarchy. But bikers are lawyers, doctors, accountants, military, garbage men, and more. They all have a little rebel in them.

    It hasn’t always been easy and it’s been hard work. But Gus say anything good takes hard work. He has put every penny earned into the company and bet his family’s financial security on it. Success is the only option. Gus says a lot of people walk up to the edge of the cliff but few jump off when it comes to putting it all on the line to realize a dream of owning your own business.

    He has created a culture of development, accountability, and volunteerism for his team. Their hurdles are his hurdles. They have each other’s backs.

    Gus says he’s made mistakes at full speed and it’s important to have humility and self-awareness. Proud of his business, there is nothing he would rather do or any place else he would rather live.

    For more information visit https://www.emeraldcoasthd.com.











  • Bit-Wizards: Making It So.

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


    Vince Mayfield and Louis Erickson have been “making it so” for decades. This phrase, used by Captain Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, exemplifies the can-do, success-oriented, and innovation-driven team at Bit-Wizards.

    Bit-Wizards has been an ever-evolving company, but the constant is the friendship of Vince and Louis. Growing up in Okaloosa County, they attended Meigs Junior High and Choctawhatchee High School. They knew each other from ROTC and Civil Air Patrol. Though there was a two-grade level difference in their ages, they became best friends. Their friendship has spanned decades of change, challenges, and family tragedies.

    The friendship continued after high school when they roomed together in college. Louis majored in computer science, minoring in mathematics and physics. Vince majored in mathematics and minored in computer science, and aerospace science. He also earned a Master’s of Science Degree in International Relations. Later, Vince earned a MBA from the University Of Notre Dame. Louis served in the U.S. Navy. Vince served in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.

    Their civilian careers began with writing software for Department of Defense and defense contractor projects. Louis moved to Austin, Texas to care for his late sister’s son. He procured a contract re-writing software for the power and light industry. He asked Vince to come to Austin. They decided it was the time to form a business together.

    Vince brought his two dogs to join Louis’s two cats and slept on the floor of Louis’s house. Working like dogs for 18 months writing code, they worked 60 to 80 hours a week. They were going to call their new company Bit Wise, a play on words in the programming world, but the name was taken. Louis remembered an old teacher at the University of West Florida who joked about “stirring the smoke” and how people thought computers made things happen magically. The Bit-Wizards name is meant to be ironic, when behind the curtain, a lot of hard work is going on.

    During the dotcom boom in Austin, the partners designed a logo and went to the mall to get shirts made. They wanted to operate like a big business. As they were winding down their project, the dotcom bust happened. Vince, worried about the economy, said they should move back to Fort Walton Beach where there was less traffic, a slower pace of life, and less competition. They paid off all personal debts, Vince moved back, and Louis stayed in Austin another six months.

    Vince secured two new contracts and they reincorporated Bit-Wizards in Florida. Working out of Vince’s house until a new building was ready, more 60 to 80-hour weeks followed. While Louis was resistant to moving back, he was soon glad he did. One of his cats got sick two months after returning. He met his wife, Tabitha, at the Veterinary clinic and asked her out. They’ve been married over 20 years.

    Bit-Wizard’s first involvement in the economic and community development world was with Florida’s Great Northwest and then the Economic Development Council (EDC) and chambers of commerce. It was a challenge procuring commercial work in the middle of the DoD arena. Their work was primarily outside the local area. When September 11th happened, they lost several contracts and went through a time of struggle. Louis sold his house in Austin and Vince took out an SBA Loan against his house and got a personal loan from his dad. Additionally, they used savings and credit cards to make it through. The business had obligations including insurance and internet connection costs. They had enough money to support the business, but not enough to pay themselves. Thank God they had paid off their debts earlier.

    They had to back out of the EDC and the chambers to focus on getting customers. Most small businesses can’t afford custom software. While most of their customers are local, the largest share of dollars are out of the local area. Vince and Louis later reengaged with the EDC and chamber when they could sustain the costs. When they did re-join, they found relationships created were of inestimable value.

    A new contract out of New Jersey created a need for employees. Their first employee, John Jackson, is still with them today. Employees mean as much to Vince and Louis as customers do. It’s who they are as human beings. They know de-stressing their employees, keeping them inspired, motivated, taken care of, and happy makes for happy customers. Employees can do their best work when they feel valued. The Bit-Wizards mission, values, and culture are celebrated on their website: https://bitwizards.com. Vince and Louis credit their military careers, in large part, for developing the values of service-mindedness, ownership thinking, and empowering individuals to be part of a team. A team of “wizards.”

    Vince and Louis also believe in doing the right thing for their community. Raised here, Vince has kids who go to school here. Bit-Wizards invested $250,000 in the half-penny school tax designed to address the poor physical condition of local schools.

    Personal responsibility is inseparable from business responsibility for Vince and Louis. Every year, Bit-Wizards pays a company $100,000 to try and hack into Bit-Wizards from the outside and from the inside. Their rating has improved every time. Vince and Louis feel they owe this to their customers who are counting on them for security of their own businesses.

    Bit-Wizards has evolved from a custom software and digital marketing company to solely a managed IT company. Their sweet spot is servicing small to medium size companies with 10 to 50 users. Updating and managing IT infrastructure is critical for businesses. Louis uses one example of a deadbolt. While it increases inconvenience because you have another step opening the door, your security is increased.

    Vince and Louis have defined core values and created success. It hasn’t always been easy. They have learned and are humble. They don’t think they know everything, but think they have made more good decisions than bad ones.











  • Promoted to Glory

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • “Promoted to Glory” was the subject line emailed by the men’s lunch group leader announcing my Dad, Larry Murphy, went to heaven February 18, 2024. Everyone said he was the youngest 89-year-old they had ever seen. He strove to walk a mile every day and ride his three-wheeled electric bike around the neighborhood. Neighbors I don’t know emailed condolences. Known for riding his “trike”, one lady said her four-year-old would always wave to her “friend” when Dad rode by.

    Lawrence Murphy was born in Antigo, Wisconsin. A West Point Grad, he served the United States Air Force for 29 years.  Molly Murphy was born in Springer, New Mexico. She and Dad met in Phoenix, Arizona during Dad’s training in the F-86 Saber Jet at Williams AFB.

    Married in 1959, Mom and Dad had a three-day honeymoon in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Dad was stationed four years at Vance AFB teaching US and foreign students to fly jets.

    Newly married, without much money, a day out was driving into Tulsa to buy a tube of toothpaste. Mom talked about how they lived in an “adorable converted chicken coup” for a while. I came along, and with me in tow, they moved back to Arizona, where Dad trained in the F-100 Super Saber fighter at Luke AFB.

    Eleven months after I was born, my brother Patrick arrived. In 1964, the four of us went to RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom. While stationed there, Dad flew F-100 training flights throughout Western Europe. His primary wartime mission was to drop a nuclear bomb should the Soviet Union start World War III. Nick and Bob, a couple who took care of American military families, took care of us when Mom and Dad would travel around Europe. Mom’s hobbies were making brass rubbings in cathedrals and playing bridge.

    In 1967, Dad volunteered to fly F-100 missions in Vietnam. I have an early memory of walking into the living room seeing Mom sitting on Dad’s lap. They were crying. Patrick remembers being at the airport saying goodbye. Mom was crying, I was crying, so Patrick started crying. After two weeks of jungle survival training, Dad was stationed at Phan Rang Air Base.

    During his 320 days, Dad flew 306 combat missions.

    He was awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses, one pinned on by General Benjamin Davis. I found them, among other medals, in the attic. One of the citations reads as follows:


    “Captain Lawrence J. Murphy distinguished himself by extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an F-100 tactical fighter pilot near Binh Thuy, Republic of Vietnam on 4 November 1967. On that date Captain Murphy came to the aid of friendly units who were heavily engaged with a large hostile force while trying to evacuate a group of friendly dead and wounded. The singularly brilliant ordinance deliveries in close proximity to friendly units while under heavy automatic weapons fire were directly responsible for the relief of the friendly troops and the evacuation of their dead and wounded. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Murphy reflect great credit upon himself and the United states Air Force.”

    He was a hero at 33 years old. Finding medals in the attic tells you something about Dad. He told great stories about his life and career, but didn’t boast about medals.

    He and Mom sent tape recordings and letters to each other while he was in Viet Nam.

    The stacks of letters, also found in the attic, contain wide-ranging subjects:  Dad counted the days until seeing Mom and us again, expressed his love, described sitting alert, and flying missions. Mom sent notes from us and gave Dad the latest news. Dad wrote about learning Kennedy was assassinated. He chronicled spending four hours with an artist in Taiwan and buying two paintings from him. He described paneling the pilots “lounge” with mahogany and serving fondue out of nose cones of napalm cans. There were struggles when leadership wanted pilots to sand vehicles and clean latrines instead of getting the sleep needed before flying.

    When Dad came back from Viet Nam he presented Mom with a plaque that reads:

    “In Recognition of Outstanding Performance Awarded to Molly M. Murphy For Her Perseverance and Devotion to Duty in Maintaining Home and Family During Her Husband’s Tour of Duty in Vietnam from Aug 67 to Aug 68
    Presented by Her Loving and Grateful Husband, Larry.”

    Then followed a brief three-month training for Dad in Panama City, FL where we lived in a trailer. Dad told us he would give us a prize for memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. I still have “The Night Before Christmas” book I received as my prize. I remember singing “Shout to the Highest Mountain” standing beside Dad in church. We had family nights and one night Mom and Dad took us to see lighted boats in the harbor. I guess we didn’t seem too excited, so next time, they took us to a store to choose a small toy. I chose a little doll. Even then, I felt kind of sad we didn’t appreciate the lights enough and Mom and Dad felt they had to buy us a toy. I still have that little doll.

    In 1968 Laredo, TX, Patrick and I rode bikes everywhere, made mud pies, built forts, had dirt clod fights with kids, and played in wardrobe boxes on the driveway until it started to hail. I remember sitting on the couch with Mom while she taught me to sing “Silver Bells”. I can remember how it felt sitting next to her while she rubbed my earlobe. Dad taught students to fly again and Mom was involved with the Officer’s Wives Club. She continued to be an avid bridge player.

    Dad was transferred to the Pentagon in 1970 and we lived in Fairfax, VA during Watergate. Moving forward, Dad’s career, was at staff or executive level within “aircrew flight simulator acquisition and testing’ agencies in various command headquarters. Mom started working part-time during these years. She worked for doctors and achieved higher positions without any formal training. Fairfax is where she became a Washington Redskins fan. She was a huge sports enthusiast.

    In 1974, dad was stationed at Langley AFB in Virginia. He was selected as one of twelve Air Force officers designated as “USAF Advance Agent for Presidential Travel”. Conducting ground support for Air Force One and all other aircraft associated with President Gerald Ford’s travel, Dad made numerous state-side and overseas trips during 1975 and 1976.

    We moved from Yorktown, VA to Albuquerque, NM in 1977 where Dad was stationed at Kirtland AFB. Dad’s last assignment was Eglin AFB where he retired.

    Everywhere we lived, Mom and Dad had tons of friends. Living in Indian Bayou in Destin for 18 years, Mom would organize a monthly golf tournament everyone called “The Molly Murphy Invitational”. She organized funny talent shows. They loved to sail and play golf. Mom was a fabulous cook. Christmas was always special. We made my paternal grandmother’s secret recipe Christmas cookies and Mom made her mother’s fruitcake.

    They built a house Dad designed on the water in Dolphin Cove. They moved and built another house on Lake Oconee in Eatonton, GA. Their grandchild Carson was the catalyst to move to Henderson, NV. She spent every day after school with Mom and Dad. Mom played “Barbies” with Carson and Dad made “parachutes” dropping them from the top of the step ladder.

    Mom battled a form of Muscular Dystrophy for several years. By the end, she couldn’t swallow, walk, and suffered terrible pain. She never complained. She was the strongest person I’ve ever known. Dad made sure to take care of her at home. Mom went to heaven on January 21, 2018. They were married 58 years.

    Dad moved back to Niceville. We had six years together and suddenly he wasn’t OK. We fought for a month-and-a-half. We lost.

    I know we all lose our parents, but somehow I wasn’t supposed to ever lose mine. I am heartbroken. My parents always kept us safe, took care of us, made sure we had a childhood, and always, always made our lives better. They were always there for us. I’d have to write a book to do justice to their life story and what they did for us. Patrick always says Mom and Dad did the right things. My husband Stuart says Mom and Dad were the most generous people on the planet. Losing his own Dad in 1992, he felt my Dad was like a second father. Mom and Dad were both heroes, and people who worked hard, made a difference in lives, and made this country great.

    I want people to know Larry and Molly Murphy existed and remember their names. In honor of them, on their behalf, and BECAUSE of them, I was honored to present a check to One Hopeful Place and Fisher House for $10,000.00 each at the Fort Walton Chamber First Friday Coffee.

    If you still have parents, hug them as soon as you can, as often as you can, and never let a day go by without saying I love you.

    I love you Mom and Dad. You were both promoted to glory.











  • Stephen Perkins, CPA at Warren Averett: Driving Growth in Our Community

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Passionate about the community, Stephen Perkins loves the opportunity to contribute his resources and talents as the incoming chairman of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce.

    Stephen praises the chamber because of the people. He has met great friends through the chamber, thinks the chamber staff is really hard-working, and believes the chamber accomplishments are rewarding.

    He also loves the people at Warren Averett and says accounting is fun there. While is sounds cliché to say the people you work with are like family, it’s true at Warren Averett. They hang out together outside of work. The people make it easy for Stephen to stay in the field of accounting. Many of his clients are friends.

    Accounting is a demanding field but also rewarding. Stephen gains great satisfaction from growing the financial health of his clients and saving them money on taxes. Being of value is what it is all about for Stephen.

    The most valuable asset in Stephen’ life is his wife. They met at Warren Averett and she works as an auditor. According to Stephen, she is best part of his life, likes to binge watch TV, travel, and is a good dog mom to their German Shepherd. She even helps Stephen work on his cars.

    Speaking of cars, Stephen races them. He grew up in Advance, North Carolina in the heart of NASCAR country. All the teams are headquartered there. Everything is themed racing. It is the culture. Richard Petty lived near him. Racing has always been a part of his family life.

    Stephen is always “turning a wrench” in his single-car garage succumbing to the perpetual drive to make his car go faster. His car is always on jack stands. His dream is to build a shop one day.

    There was no turning back after his father took him to a professional driving range in Las Vegas. His first race was in 2014, but he has been racing consistently since 2016. Stephen travels to Birmingham to Indy track, Barber Motor Sports Park. He races in Texas at the Circuit of the Americas, and in Atlanta. These races are considered amateur and informal. The designated groups are Novice, Intermediate, Intermediate Two, and Advanced. Stephen is Intermediate Two.

    Looking down the road to 2024, one of Stephen’s goals as incoming chairman is to drive youth involvement in the chamber. He wants to create more events that would interest younger business professionals. Stephen feels it’s important to raise up the next generation of business owners and to show them the value of community involvement.

    Stephen has been the treasurer for the chamber for several years and wants to continue to help grow the financial stability and health of the chamber.

    Another goal involves the growth and beautification of Fort Walton Beach. Stephen would like to help shape downtown into something more aesthetically pleasing. With the new bridge and all of the exciting renovations in progress, Fort Walton Beach is accelerating towards changes that will benefit the entire community.

    For Stephen, it all comes back to the people.












  • Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport - Getting Heroes “Home for the Holidays” for Eight Years

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • The Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport eighth annual “Operation Home for the Holidays” campaign is in full swing. Every year the airport draws the name of one lucky entrant and pays for them to spend the holidays with their loved ones.

    The campaign, runs from November 1st through December 5th and is open to active duty enlisted personnel (E4 and below) from any military base located in the 850 or 448 area codes. One lucky service member will be randomly selected on December 6th to receive round- trip air fare to be used during December 2023 or January 2024.

    Past recipients have expressed their gratitude. Many service members haven’t seen family members for months or even years. There are over 100,000 service members deployed around the world, many of whom won’t spend the holidays with their families. Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport can make sure one of them will.

    This wonderful idea was born years ago when Airports Director, Tracy Stage and his wife were talking about their military sons coming home for the holidays. Operation Home for the Holidays is a way for the airport to give back to the military community.

    “The Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport is the world’s only Joint Use-Commercial Service Schedule Facilitated Airport and the entire team looks forward each year to honor the servicemen and servicewomen in our local military community by offering them a chance to win a roundtrip back home during the Holiday season,” says Stage. 

    The Eglin-Hurlburt Community was designated A Great American Defense Community in 2016. One of the criteria is community building and integration whereby the community provides an environment in which service members, their families and veterans are welcomed and integrated into the community fabric.

    The Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport lives up to the spirit of this designation every day. The entire airport is filled with tributes to our military. This annual promotion is just one of the many ways the airport strives to connect with and serve its community.

    “We take great pride in our heritage and our strong military community. It is important to show our support and gratitude, especially during the holidays when so many young service members are far from family,” added Stage.

    The Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS) provides scheduled airline service to over 2.2M passengers annually, with five airlines flying to 48 destinations resulting in an economic impact that exceeds $2.9B annually. Okaloosa County has an enhanced use lease and joint-use agreement partnership with Eglin Air Force Base that has been secured to 2063.

    The Okaloosa County Airports Department which operates Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS), Destin Executive Airport (DTS) and Bob Sikes Airport (CEW) is 100% debt free and the only three-airport system in the country that can make that claim.

    President and CEO of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce Ted Corcoran says, “The incredible success of the Destin - Fort Walton Beach Airport expansion and record-breaking travelers visiting our community can be credited to just one man.  Mr. Tracy Stage, in his leadership tenure, has empowered his great staff to surpass the bar, time and time again.  He has transformed not only the Airport, but all of Okaloosa County. “  

    For more information about entering for a chance to win the Operation Home for the Holidays round-trip airfare, go to https://www.getthecoast.com/operationflyvps/




    Avenging 9/11: Courage to Accept a One-Way Mission of Unknowns

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • On September 11, 2001, 2,977 people were killed by Islamic terrorists on our own soil. Thousands more were injured. By the end of the day our government was in motion. The administration, state department, DOD, and the intelligence agencies were working to find out who the perpetrators were and to plan a response. Al Qaeda, from their training camps in Afghanistan, were responsible. The Taliban were providing safe haven for their leader, Osama Bin Laden.

    Joint Special Forces and CIA teams planned to take tribal leaders, ousted by the Taliban, back into Afghanistan to help start insurgencies against the Taliban. Then Special Forces teams augmented with U.S. Air Force tactical air controllers would work with the Northern Alliance tribes in order to locate and destroy the Taliban. While the Afghan insurgents would directly engage the Taliban, Special Forces and the Air Force tactical controllers would call in air strikes on Taliban targets.

    The mission for the CIA and the Special Forces teams was the same: defeat and destroy the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

    Alex Hernandez, a CIA paramilitary and case officer, who was the deputy chief of CIA Team Alpha, describes the operation as a potential one-way mission filled with unknowns. He says the U.S. doesn’t send its soldiers or agency officers on suicide missions but this was close. Alex likes to cite a rule of thumb he used during his military and agency careers: don’t do anything stupid. He said this mission required an adjustment to that red line: don’t do anything incredibly stupid.

    Prior to Team Alpha’s insertion, there was no ability to verify information from sources in Afghanistan. There would be no safety net, no rescue, and no medivac ability. The eight-man CIA Team Alpha was given the choice to say no. All said yes. They were mentally and emotionally committed to avenging 9/11. Alex told them to get one-million-dollar life insurance policies immediately.

    Tribal warlord, General Dostum popped up on the radar through friendly Uzbekistan intelligence, as a leader who was fighting the Taliban and needed help. The CIA wanted to find Dostum. Uzbek intelligence had his phone number. They talked via satellite used by ship to shore communication.

    Team Alpha needed to validate the information they had received. Was Dostum for real? Or was he already captured and the Taliban was using him to lure the CIA in. Alpha needed to validate Dostum welcomed the U.S. Government, he had a viable fighting force, he was willing to fight the Taliban, confirm where he was, and determine his near-term needs. Dostum said he needed horse feed.

    Dostum had no vehicles, only horses. Alex turned to his team and asked if anyone knew how to ride a horse. No one did. This would be on-the-job training.

    The insertion plan was brief. Team Alpha would arrive on two Blackhawk helicopters. The pilots were told not to take off right away. They were to remain for 20 to 30 seconds. If no one was shooting at the team when they got off, they would stay.

    Team Alpha found themselves in a primitive and high threat environment. They met up with General Dostum who had approximately 300 to 600 fighters. The Taliban had 5000 to 7000 fighters. Team Alpha moved north with Dostum and his men. They were cold, tired, hungry, and didn’t know what the outcome would be. The battlefield was perpetually fluid. You only owned the ground you stood on. The team did get uniforms for the fighters so they could tell the good guys from the bad guys.

    Dostum didn’t speak any English though he understood some. He always had an “engineer” by his side. Engineers in Afghanistan were men who were better educated and spoke English. Team Alpha relied on Dostum for the next day’s plans. He knew the men and the lay of the land.

    Dostum talked with the enemy every day on unsecure walkie- talkies. Team Alpha helped Dostum “orchestrate” defections from the Taliban. The Taliban fighters were conscripted and were told their villages would be destroyed if they didn’t fight, so they had no loyalties. Dostum knew the fighters weren’t being paid and told them he had friends here who would take care of them. There were 300 to 500 fighters defecting at one time. How did Team Alpha know these defectors wouldn’t turn on them? After all, the defectors were a larger force than Dostum’s men. Dostum positioned the defectors ahead of his men. When it was time for another attack on a Taliban force, the defectors were the ones leading the attack. Willingness to lead the charge demonstrated their reliability.

    ODA 595 was the first Special Forces group inserted into a denied area in Afghanistan to topple the Taliban. The Joint Special Operations Command in northern Afghanistan was called Task Force Dagger. ODA 595 also had to learn to ride horses. The horses were not trained, saddles were made of cows’ pelvic bones, and they had to jerry-rig the short stirrups with parachute cords. ODA 595 first headed to Uzbekistan on Oct. 5, 2001, then crossed into Afghanistan on Oct. 19 in an MH-47 Chinook helicopter.

    Able to travel day or night, the horses allowed them to get around and behind the enemy, cutting them off from reinforcements or retreat. The horses allowed them to find the enemy’s position in the primitive and rugged terrain and call in air strikes on Taliban targets.

    While occupying higher ground in order to have the best view of the land, trucks, machine guns, trenches, bunkers, and artillery, these Horse Soldiers of Afghanistan were not far from the fluid battlefield or the threat. ODA 595 executed offensive operations using the might of U.S. air power. The CIA was there to support ODA 595 and Dostum, and report back to the U.S.

    On Nov. 10, ODA 595 and militia allies liberated the city of Mazar-e-Sharif from the Taliban. Weeks later, the Taliban surrendered in other areas of Afghanistan.

    In November, 300 to 400 Taliban had surrendered to Dostum’s men. They were taken to a 19th century fortress. Mike Spann and Dave Tyson, members of Team Alpha, began initial interviews. Spann and Tyson suspected there might be foreign fighters in the group who might know of a future attack planned against the U.S. Tragically, this was a “Trojan Horse” plan. The defectors turned out to be Al Qaeda.  They attempted to break out and killed Mike Spann. Dave Tyson fought his way out. It took three days to suppress the fighters. John Walker Lindh (“The American Taliban”) was there, though Team Alpha didn’t know this at the time. If the fighters had not been suppressed, they would have killed everyone and undone the successful mission of defeating the Taliban.

    Alex Hernandez says the collaboration between Team Alpha and ODA 595 was wonderful. He also credits the Air force, its B52 Bombers, the Navy and Marine fighter pilots along with the rest of the Special Forces, a British team similar to our Navy Seals, and of course General Dostum and his men with the successful mission.

    “The pics in Afghanistan were taken either late October or early November 2001, almost 23 years ago.  In the group photo I'm on the stallion second from the right wearing sunglasses. The warlord General Dostum is on the far left on the white stallion leading. The other Afghans are his lieutenants and security.  The Special Forces soldier in the back is a senior officer who arrived in country a couple of days earlier.  We are riding northward to Mazar-i-Sharif, a major city in northwest Afghanistan, our objective
















  • Canteen Cups: A Symbol of Duty, Honor, Courage, Sacrifice & Enduring Tradition

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Toasting fallen comrades is a military tradition going back thousands of years to the Vikings, Roman Legions, and King Arthur’s Roundtable.

    At the Doolittle Raider’s annual reunion in 1959, the city of Tucson, Arizona presented the Raiders with sterling silver goblets, each bearing the name of one of the 80 men who flew on the mission. The names were engraved twice so they could be read right side up and upside down. After white-gloved cadets filled the goblets with cognac, the Raiders would call roll, toast the Raiders who had died since their last reunion, and then turn the goblets of those who had died upside down.

    On April 18, 2022, the last goblet was turned upside down in the final toasting ceremony held at Northwest Florida State College. The last surviving member of the Doolittle Raiders, Col. Richard "Dick" Cole, passed away in 2019. He was 103 years old.

    Rich Cole, the son of Col. Richard Cole spoke at the gathering of ODA 595 (Operational Detachment Alpha), known to most of us as the Horse Soldiers of Afghanistan. The event, held in Fort Walton Beach last year, was hosted by the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce and members of the community.

    There are connections between the Doolittle Raiders and ODA 595.

    The United States was attacked on our soil twice in our history. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

    Our military devised daring and dangerous responses to these attacks. Our military heroes knew the missions could be their last. They knew going in, they might not come home. During his speech, Rich Cole cited other similarities. The missions were first responses, “crazy ideas,” successful, books and movies were made about them, and the chance of survival was low.

    On April 18, 1942, the Doolittle Raiders, trained at Eglin AFB, flew B-25s off the aircraft carrier the Hornet to bomb Japan. Planning to take off 400 to 600 miles from the target, they were forced to take off 820 miles from Tokyo when a Japanese vessel spotted the carrier and alerted the Japanese military by radio transmission. If it was impossible to make it to the China coast after the mission, the Raiders were to ditch their planes in the sea and make it to shore in rubber boats. Fourteen tons of bombs were dropped on the Japanese mainland hitting virtually all of the targets. No planes were lost to antiaircraft fire.

    Corp. Leland Faktor, Sgt. William Dieter, and Corp. Donald Fitzmaurice died during bailouts or crash landings.  Four of the raiders were prisoners of the Japanese until the end of the war. Lieut. Robert J. Meder, died of dysentery in 1943. Lieut. Dean Hallmark, Lieut. William Farrow, and Sgt. Harold Spatz were executed in October 1942.

    ODA 595 was the first Special Forces group inserted into Afghanistan to topple the Taliban, who were providing a safe haven for Osama bin Laden. The mission was called Task Force Dagger. Having to use horses, not tanks or trucks, they had a crash course on horseback riding as soon as they arrived. The horses were not trained, saddles were made of cows’ pelvic bones, and they had to jerry-rig the short stirrups with parachute cords. ODA 595 first headed to Uzbekistan on Oct. 5, 2001, then crossed into Afghanistan on Oct. 19 in an MH-47 Chinook helicopter. They worked with Afghan allies they didn’t know if they could trust and trained and fought alongside the Northern Alliance.

    Able to travel day or night, the horses allowed them to get around and behind the enemy, cutting them off from reinforcements or retreat. A critical function of the Special Forces team was to call in air strikes on the Taliban. The horses allowed them to find the enemy’s position in the primitive and rugged terrain. This is how they became known as The Horse Soldiers of Afghanistan.

    On Nov. 10, ODA 595 and militia allies liberated the city of Mazar-e-Sharif from the Taliban. Weeks later, the Taliban surrendered in other areas of Afghanistan.

    At the ODA 595 event in October of 2022, the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce presented the 12 Horse Soldiers of Afghanistan with sterling silver canteen cups, each bearing their names. The “humble” canteen cup was the choice of the men of ODA 595.

    Rich Cole eloquently describes the importance of reunions, toasting fallen comrades, and keeping the tradition alive. Much more than sharing a common bond, it’s a celebration. More than that, it reaffirms the military oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and our way of life. There is no expiration date on this oath. It lasts until the day you die.

    The Doolittle Raiders, ODA 595 and all our military heroes show the nation it is an honor to serve your country and do the right thing. They are willing to lay down their lives for us. These two teams of men are famous but there are so many names not known or celebrated. It is important to remember.

    None of these warriors consider themselves heroes. They were just doing their jobs.

    On October 21, 2023, ODA 595 will return to Fort Walton Beach for a reunion and continue the tradition of toasting fallen comrades with the silver canteen cups. The cups were crafted by Bohlin Company in Dallas, TX. Since 1920 they have fashioned silver saddles for the likes of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, the Lone Ranger, and the Tournament of Roses Parade.

    Will Summers of ODA 595 says, “These masterfully crafted works of art represent the gratitude of our nation for all who serve. I believe these cups reflect America’s love for her service members. It is a beautiful, timeless love intended to endure for generations to come.”

    Dawn Summers, wife of Will Summers, said it made her smile to see these men, who live very quiet, simple lives, up on stage getting an opportunity to tangibly feel the thankfulness of a grateful community.

    Rich Cole feels it is a sacred responsibility to remember, celebrate, and honor those who have served. He also says our community supports and embraces the military more than most other communities in the country.

    It is an honor for the rest of us to live among the real superheroes in this world and to take the opportunity to show them our gratitude.

    For tickets and more information about October 21, 2023 banquet:  www.fwbchamber.org












  • Fish Window Cleaning Owner:  Danica LaFaire - May the Fish be With You.

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • A force of nature, Danica LaFaire, the owner of Fish Window Cleaning is the Official Window Cleaner of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Danica’s energy and passion are a reflection of how she runs her business and how she participates as a chamber member. She maintains a clear focus on growing her business and helping others to grow theirs.

    Danica LaFaire was a beauty school dropout who worked in the restaurant industry for ten years. She says that’s where she honed some of her marketing skills. At 23 years old, she went back to school and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Marketing and her Masters’s degree in Communication Management and Leadership.

    Having lived most of her adult life in St. Louis, MO, Danica worked for a startup company in an entrepreneurial community. In 2013 she went to work for a marketing agency and along the way got experience in acquisition strategy.

    Deciding to interview for a position as head of marketing for a broadband company, Danica got into her car for an hour’s drive. She thought to herself there was no way they would hire her and she ought to turn around and go home. But, then again, what did she have to lose? Danica says she doesn’t know where the words came from but it was the first time she was completely her authentic self. She talked about her scuba diving certification, growing a garden, leadership, and relationships. She got the job.

    She spent three years at Fidelity Communications and was involved in transforming the culture. With 500 employees across seven states, Danica was part of a team. The team was accountable to each other and had goals and disagreements, but they were “all rowing in the same direction.” Growing together, they were an unstoppable force. In the broadband industry, if you are not acquiring other companies you are dying. Eventually, Fidelity was sold.

    Danica and her husband Josh began talking about franchise opportunities and Danica became a franchise consultant to learn about the industry. Josh was offered a job opportunity in the Florida Panhandle territory including seven states and Danica stayed in broadband for a time while still doing franchise consulting. While on a call for a client to learn about Fish Window Cleaning, Danica felt her values aligned with the company. Fish is built on the concept of “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” A blue-collar person could own a business. In 2021, Danica and Josh decided to open Fish Window Cleaning in Destin.

    Fish Window Cleaning serves primarily commercial clients but does serve some residential clients. During the Covid pandemic, hotels and hospitals needed emergency cleaning services. Fish cleans windows but they do more than that; they help create a good first impression. They keep businesses looking beautiful. There is immediate gratification in helping a business look its best and in going home at night knowing you did good work.

    Fish builds their culture on the values of trust, kindness, fairness, respect, choosing a positive attitude, doing the right thing, and creating “wow moments. At Fish, employees are team members and are encouraged to think of working at Fish as a career path and not just a job. They have year-round employment and are proud to be technicians with world-class training. Danica invests time in her team and will help them rise as high as they want to go even if it means leaving Fish. Currently, she has five employees and will be adding three to four more in the next two months. Fish serves clients from Pensacola to Inlet Beach.

    If anyone had told her years ago she would own a window cleaning company, Danica would have said they were crazy. But, even with the setbacks that come her way, she still thinks it has been a “100% good idea.”

    Joining the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce was also a 100% good idea. Danica will tell you from her experience, rural broadband survives and thrives on community involvement. She says it all starts at the chamber level. Some chambers function as economic development entities even when there are economic development organizations in town. Chambers understand the needs of their communities. The Greater Fort Walton Chamber of Commerce is a community development organization that advocates for businesses across Okaloosa County. Danica heard people talking about how active this chamber was and decided to join when she opened Fish Window Cleaning.

    She recalls attending the new member luncheon with Josh. During lunch, she turned to him and said “This chamber is legit. They care.” Danica and Josh felt welcomed and began to see the chamber’s embracing of Okaloosa County as not just a slogan but actual practice. The fact the chamber is the only chamber to also run a homeless shelter spoke volumes to Danica. She knew she wasn’t being fed “marketing speak.”

    The kicker, she says, was when President and CEO, Ted Corcoran contacted her by personal email asking her what she wanted to do next to maximize her membership. Ted walked her through the levels and made recommendations. He never tried to “sell” her or ask her to spend more money. Ted helps make connections and wants members to succeed. It was a defining moment for Danica and she jumped in with both feet.

    She asked herself where she should start. She applied to be a member of the chamber’s Women’s Entrepreneur Group and was selected. She started attending the After Hours functions and chamber lunches. Her chamber mentor introduced her to other members. These activities could be incorporated into her busy schedule. She started the “Friends of Fish” where businesses could put introductory items into bags and Fish employees would hand them out to their customers. It was a way to help others grow.

    After a couple of months, she thought, “Now I know people.” It felt awesome as a newcomer to instantly be a part of a community that cares and is excited about service. Danica looks at the chamber as a way to celebrate each other. Even when you are struggling, you can reach out to the chamber. It’s easy to be a champion for others when you have the same goals of mutual success.












  • Walter Arrington: A Shelter in the Storm

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


  • It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to be homeless. We don’t want to imagine it. Most of us probably don’t know any homeless people. But, it can happen to anyone.

    The Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce is the only chamber of commerce to run a homeless shelter. One Hopeful Place lives up to its name. It provides hope for many who have fallen on hard times and need a hand up, not a handout.

    Walter Arrington is a “graduate” of One Hopeful Place.

    At 26 years old, Walter came out of the Marine Corps with hidden wounds. He then had back surgery. He spiraled downward very quickly. He divorced his wife and gained custody of his son. He couldn’t stop drinking and one day he called his ex-wife and told her to come to get their son.

    Walter lived in an apartment in Niceville, worked at Dockside, and attended classes at Northwest Florida State College. He lost his job, stopped going to class, and got behind on his rent. He slipped out of his apartment before he could be evicted and lived in his car before it broke down.

    Okaloosa Island beach parks offered a nighttime refuge. He would use the public bathroom and shower wearing a bathing suit and carrying his bottle of shampoo. A friend’s couch would sometimes be a bed for the night. Walking everywhere or riding a bike, he got to know where to find a place to stay. A night’s lodging might be an abandoned commercial building or a tarp strung up on a wooded lot. He could camp a short distance from the day labor location. Walking around and getting to know the other homeless people helped Walter get the lay of the land. It always helped to bring a bottle.

    Shame was the overriding emotion during this time. Walter’s mother, who has a Doctorate in Nursing Science wrote her doctoral thesis on healthcare for the homeless. She would take him to lunch or buy him a pair of pants but would not enable his alcohol addiction and resulting homelessness. He had to hit rock bottom where the pain of continuing this existence was more painful than making the decision to change his life. Walter says he had forgotten how to live. The homeless are so busy trying to meet basic needs.

    A Pensacola program didn’t work out and Walter tried One Hopeful Place. He came and went a few times. Building relationships is the first order of business for One Hopeful Place after providing someone with shelter, food, water, and safety. They offer services when asked. Then they will find the specific services needed for each individual case. The person can cycle in and out. There are three rules: 1. Respect your fellow. 2. No drugs or alcohol. 3. No violence. This is called the low-barrier model. People who come to a shelter have trouble with trust.

    When Walter was ready to make a change and ask for help, a community member would pick him up and take him to a 12-step program. He was encouraged to get treatment. The staff helped make a plan to get treatment, come back, and transition into a sober living environment.

    After hurting his back again, Walter received Worker’s Comp benefits. A mentor convinced him to go back to school to finish his Associate’s Degree in general studies. He obtained scholarships and earned a

     Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from UWF in 2022. An internship with the Alfred Washburn Center in Pensacola was a pivotal step in his career path. The Director, Michael Kimberl became a dear friend and taught Walter how to interact with the homeless population. He learned you have to see, acknowledge and listen before you can offer services.

    In late 2020, a homeless encampment appeared under I-110 in Pensacola near Cervantes. Michael Kimberl asked Walter if he would volunteer to help manage the camp. The city wanted to allow for a period of time to offer services and shelter to those willing to accept the help. Around the same time, the Homelessness Task Force Florida was created. Walter joined the committee that eventually became the Substance Abuse and Case Management Committee. The goal was to get medical services to the homeless. Walter’s position came out of the committee. His mission was to get the mobile medical unit up and running. The unit is a 40-foot U-Haul truck with two exam rooms, a wheelchair lift, and air conditioning. The unit is deployed each week to encampments with a Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant and nurse. He currently serves as the Unhoused Care Navigator for Community Health Northwest Florida.

    Walter talks a lot about the Spain and Portugal model of helping the homeless. He says there must be accountability and consequences for bad behavior. The United States is not embracing the accountability part of the equation.

    Sixty percent of the homeless are on Social Security or disability. The “big three” reasons for homelessness are mental health issues, substance abuse, and medical issues. The longer someone is homeless the worse the mental health issues become. In a shelter, a person is allowed to decompress and meet the basic needs of shelter, food, water, and safety.

    Sometimes the victories are preventing overdoses or death. Other times the victories are people getting sober, medical help, jobs, and independent living – getting their lives back.

    Walter is so grateful for the help he received from One Hopeful Place, Michael Kimberl, and others and wants to pay it forward. There can be failure after failure but there can also be transformation and success. He likes the harder cases that others have given up on. The hard ones have the most potential.

    Walter receives his Master’s Degree in Social Work from UWF on May 6th of this year. He will also be giving the commencement speech. His mother is very proud of her son.










  • Grow Your Gifts Conservatory of Music - A Gift to our Community that Keeps on Growing

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


  • Marlayna Goosby, Founder and Director of Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music uses her gift to grow the gifts of others.Born in Louisiana and a military “brat”, Marlayna lived in England, Alaska, and Alabama before moving to Fort Walton Beach in 1995. Her father was Command Chief at Hurlburt Field and her husband is a retired reservist Chief Master Sergeant from Duke Field.

    She attended Fort Walton Beach High School and was appointed to the All-County Honor Band all four years and the Florida All-State Honor Band one year. Marlayna received a music scholarship to the University of Southern Mississippi. As First Clarinet in the university symphony, Marlayna played alongside Doc Severinsen and the original cast of Les Miserable and graduated with a degree in music.

    Marlayna has wonderful memories of her 32 years as a musician. She remembers practicing in her basement, on a stool, on the concrete floor when she was very young, and being taken to group lessons in Anchorage, Alaska when it was ten to twenty degrees below zero. She lights up when talking about playing in the Viking Band at Fort Walton Beach High School under the tutelage of Mr. Randy Folsom and Mr. Ernest Hebson, who still mentor her today. Marlayna insists the years spent with these gentlemen also helped make her and her fellow students into good adults.

    Coming home from college, Marlayna worked as a mail clerk at Troy University, and after five years, she moved up to academic advisor. She was the grants director for the Boys and Girls Club of the Emerald Coast and the Director of Academic Advising and Testing for Northwest Florida State College. Marlayna began playing with the Emerald Coast Community Band in 2017.

    Deciding to begin teaching music lessons in her home, she grew the number of students to 23 and had a waiting list of 11 students.

    The next decision was to expand. She prayed and began working with a realtor to find an appropriate space to rent. Every location they looked at had daytime businesses next door that might not appreciate the music all day. She needed a stand-alone building. The realtor suggested they look at a building on Beal with road frontage. It turned out to be the building Marlayna took music lessons in when she was younger!

    Marlayna and her husband worked day and night to paint the purple walls and grind down the orange concrete floors. The renovation was a labor of love. Starting small, Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music opened on May 6, 2019, with one employee. In October 2021, they outgrew the space and found a new location in Harbor Village on Beal.

    Since opening its new location, Grow Your Gift has served 300 students per week in the building and through community partnerships such as the Montessori Learning Center, Boys and Girls Club of the Emerald Coast, Choctaw High School, Meigs Middle School, Sinfonia Gulf Coast Youth Orchestra, St. Mary’s Middle School, Shoal River Middle School, Davidson Middle School, Ruckel Middle School, and Liza Jackson Preparatory School. Playground Music donated 20 instruments to help the outreach to the Boys and Girls Club through the Full Circle Foundation.

    Marlayna created the Full Circle Foundation to provide scholarships to students who need access to music education but do not have the ability to pay. With community help, she raised $20,000 in two years.

    Grow Your Gift is built on the vision of being the preeminent music institution in the community and that healing comes through music. Students can find their unique voice, gain confidence and self-esteem, and unleash their creativity. Friendships are built through group lessons because Grow Your Gift emphasizes collaboration, making sure the students get to know each other. Students share in the community through performances, learn new concepts, engage in peer-to-peer mentoring, and are held accountable because the group depends on each other. Grow Your Gift provides a high level of service, organization, and commitment.

    The conservatory teaches 15 different instruments to students from six months old to 74 years old. There are 16 employees who are all musicians and Marlayna’s entire family are musicians.

    An ardent proponent of music as an instrument to change lives, Marlayna shares her own daughter’s experience. Kilaya was struggling academically and had low self-esteem. When she started playing the trombone in the fifth grade, she blossomed, finding an outlet for her creativity and personality.

    Marlayna says adult students feel they are finally doing something for themselves and are proud they can learn something new later in life.

    There are two major performances each year in the spring and at Christmas. There are other smaller performances throughout the community. Recently, the students were invited to perform at The International Festival and Military Appreciation Day. The most dedicated students have the opportunity to participate in these performances.

    Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music offers private lessons, group lessons, and summer camps. The Summer Music Camps include a Broadway production of The Little Mermaid, Jr. with a cast of kids 

    from the Emerald Coast, an Irish fiddling camp, a drumline camp, a kids’ piano camp, and a piano camp for adults to learn to play during their lunch break. Registration is taking place now.

    Growing the gifts of students of all ages and seeing the positive impact is a wonderful gift in itself for Marlayna Goosby. She isn’t going to rest on her laurels. She has plans to expand even more and continue to grow your gifts.

    For more information call 850-483-0800 or go to https://www.growyourgiftmusic.com.












  • Mike Chesser - A lifetime in our community and still going strong

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


  • In 1946 Mike Chesser’s father was stationed at Eglin Air Force Base. Though born in Pensacola because there were no facilities in Fort Walton Beach in 1947, Mike has called Okaloosa County home for his entire life.

    This Florida native attended Choctawhatchee High School and attended the University of Florida on a full music scholarship. As the first clarinet, Mike was president of the Choctaw High School and the University of Florida bands. He started playing the saxophone in the Jazz bands and continued playing clarinet in the symphony. He didn’t think he was very talented as compared to the “super talented” musicians he encountered, so he decided to major in law. Mike says he was a better student than a musician.

    The law was something Mike had in mind since early junior high school. Looking back, he gives a lot of credit to his seventh-grade civics teacher. He had an aptitude for reading, writing, and comprehension. He wanted to be of benefit to others and felt there was more opportunity in law than in music.

    While enrolled in the University of Florida ROTC program, Mike enlisted in the Army. When he completed his undergraduate degree, he was given the choice of serving as a lawyer for the Judge Advocate General (JAG) or combat. He chose combat as was to be an artillery forward observer commander. During his training at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, he was informed he was not going to Viet Nam.

    Mike came home and joined a law firm. After a couple of years, he started his own law firm in 1974. In three to four years it grew to seven lawyers and then 12.

    A member of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce from the beginning, Mike chaired the 911 committee. The telephone company didn’t want to do it at first. They were concerned about liability. At the time they were in the throes of switching from a mechanical switching station that worked between cities and prefixes to going digital. After working with the county commission, the telephone company allowed the 911 phone system, and every household was charged a fifty-cent monthly fee.

    Mike started the Bayou Book Store in Niceville with Sarah Paulk. When she left to become a professor, he tried to run it himself. When their youngest child was old enough to go to school, his wife Caroline took over the store and ran it for many years.

    Chairman of the first zoning revision committee for Okaloosa County, Mike also wrote the City of Shalimar zoning ordinance and the original multifamily zoning ordinance for Okaloosa County. Thirty years ago he wrote the documents for Eglin Federal Credit Union adopted by credit unions nationally and still used today.

    Mike was also chairman of the committee to create a bypass around Niceville and College Boulevard. Fort Walton Beach wanted a bypass from Racetrack Road around Fort Walton Beach for the new college campus. The money was split and both were accomplished at the same time. The Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce was instrumental in both projects. Mike says the chamber was also instrumental in the early days of the Midbay Bridge.

    Many of us remember Mike as a relentless proponent of a bypass road for Crestview. He wrote articles in the Daily News about the idea. Nathan Boyles saw the articles and invited Mike to speak to the County Commissioners about Tax Increment Financing (TIF) as a way to finance the proposed bypass. Mike wrote the ordinance that created the TIF.

    When asked what the biggest changes he’s seen over the years are, Mike talks about community and connectivity. He remembers the business community started out as independently owned small businesses. While there are still a lot of them in Fort Walton Beach, there are now many national chains where decisions and profits flow to a corporate entity outside of the county and state. For example, it’s difficult to own space so many people have to rent and today there is no such thing as an independent bank.

    When the Midbay Bridge and the bypasses were constructed, connectivity changed. Like many of us, Mike remembers driving through Fort Walton Beach to go to Destin from Niceville before the bridge was built. Business opportunities grew as we became better connected. It became easier to stay connected.

    With over 50 years in the Florida Bar and several hundred cases later, Mike says lawyers can make a positive contribution to the community if they are in business to help others. A lawsuit should be filed because it can correct something and possibly draw attention to a wrong, not solely to make money.

    Mike continues to serve as the lawyer for the Town of Shalimar, the attorney representative for the Eglin Federal Credit Union, and the Supervisor of Elections. His law firm Chesser & Barr has been in business for over 40 years, and he is part owner of Old South Land Title Company.

    Even after all his accomplishments, Mike says he’s most proud of his four children.




  • Impacting People's Lives is Step One for 2023 Chamber Chair Maureen Bierman

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


  • Maureen Bierman says her primary focus is making an impact on people’s lives. She hopes to expand that impact as the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce Chair in 2023.

    Originally from New York, Maureen left for New Orleans at 18 years old to attend Newcomb College which was later absorbed into Tulane University. She worked for 15 years as the marketing director for Lakeside Shopping Center, rated one of the top 25 malls in the United States during the 1980s.

    Maureen’s first visit to the Emerald Coast was a trip to Fort Pickens.  Camping on the beach, she had never seen anything more beautiful. She and her husband purchased a condo in Okaloosa County and kept coming over to stay in it instead of making money from it. So they decided to move here.

    Her marketing career in Fort Walton Beach began in 2006 with Lee Automotive. After 12 years, the dealership was sold to Step One Automotive. Maureen has been the marketing director for Step One for six years.

    One way she is involved in making an impact is by facilitating a car donation each year to a family in need. A car can change a life. An example of this life-changing event is a single mom from Savannah who obtained employment but had no transportation. With the donation, she was able to travel to her job and attend college to earn a degree.

    The new focus for Maureen to make an impact is the exciting redevelopment of downtown Fort Walton Beach and the new infrastructure projects connected to that effort. Maureen wants to help create a groundswell of excitement and ongoing support for these projects.

    As the incoming chair, Maureen approached our ever-enthusiastic leader, Ted Corcoran with the idea of implementing the “I love FWB” concept. Ted immediately embraced the idea and created a committee of the same name.

    The idea behind the committee is to be the hub of information for the Brooks Bridge Replacement Project, the Around the Mound Rerouting Hwy. 98 project, the Bridge to Bridge Bike Path, The Landing Park Renovations, and the Santa Rosa Blvd. Construction Project. The committee will also serve as the catalyst to build and maintain momentum and keep the business and local community engaged in downtown development overall.

    The Brooks Bridge Replacement project replaces the existing bridge with a new, modern bridge that will improve safety, reduce congestion, and enhance the overall aesthetic of the area. The new bridge will feature wider lanes, pedestrian walkways, and bike lanes, and will be designed to withstand the impact of hurricanes. Construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of this year.

    The Around the Mound project would help to make downtown Fort Walton Beach a destination. All of the traffic passing through will be re-routed enabling downtown to become a pedestrian-friendly area. The project is being studied by FDOT.

    The Landing Park Renovations will include the construction of a new playground, the installation of new seating and shade structures, and a splash pad and interactive fountain. The park will also feature improved lighting, landscaping, and walkways to enhance the overall experience for visitors. The renovations will help to transform The Landing into a central gathering place for the community, and a destination for tourists visiting Fort Walton Beach.

    The Bridge-to-Bridge Bike Path will create a dedicated bike path along Okaloosa Island. The path will stretch from the Brooks Bridge to the Destin Bridge and will provide a safe and convenient way for people to bike or walk between these two points. The path is designed to accommodate a variety of modes of transportation, including bikes, scooters, and skateboards, and will feature amenities such as benches, water fountains, and shade structures. It will provide a scenic route for people to enjoy the island’s natural beauty and will help to promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

    The Santa Rosa Blvd. construction project will involve the reconstruction of the roadway, the installation of new sidewalks, and the addition of bike lanes. The project is expected to improve access to the island’s popular beaches and enhance the overall experience for both residents and tourists.

    The link for I Love FWB is https://www.getthecoast.com/ilovefwb/.

    Maureen believes these projects represent a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a new foundation and identity for Fort Walton Beach. Everyone involved in supporting these projects will be creating something special for future generations. Residents from Destin to Fort Walton Beach will actively participate in an improved quality of life for themselves, their families, and their neighbors. Creating destinations improves tourism which improves the economy resulting in a win-win for all.



  • FWB Chamber Honors the Horse Soldiers of Afghanistan A Hero and His Extraordinary Family

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


  • A feminist focused on a degree and career, who didn’t want marriage or children, meets a steely eyed, barrel-chested freedom fighter while skydiving. This story sounds like fiction, but it’s the true-life adventure of an extraordinary family.

    Dawn met U.S. Army Special Forces, Sergeant Will Summers, on May 4, 1997. They married two months later on July 4th. Dawn freely admits the marriage was rocky during the first couple of years. Will had filed for divorce and moved out, but God intervened. When Will and Dawn gave their lives to Christ, their marriage changed for the better and grew strong. Today, they have 11 children!

    They did not set out to have 11 children or even a large family. Dawn and Will believe it was God’s will and thank God for the freedom that comes from giving your entire life to Him. Life wasn’t always easy or without struggles. Dawn had five miscarriages. However, she says the 25 ½ years of marriage and 22 years of pregnancy, nursing, and raising children have been the great joy of her life.

    This former feminist, raised by her father, not knowing how to be a mother because she didn’t grow up with a mother, says everything she was told about motherhood was a lie. Dawn enthusiastically refutes the notion motherhood takes from you. Instead, she describes the year 2000 and the birth of their first child as a wonderful time of wholeness. She felt so alive and had found her purpose.

    Soon after September 11, 2001, on October 19, 2001, Will left Dawn and their one-year-old and six-week-old children for a mission to Afghanistan. Dawn describes Will’s “agonizing tension”. Will wanted to stay with his family, but knew God made him a warrior. This was his moment. Like a racehorse at the gate, he was raring to go.

    Knowing nothing about the mission, Dawn wasn’t scared because she trusted they were in God’s hands. She remembers sitting in her car, holding the babies, and crying. She missed Will and thought about her children. Thankful to have them in her arms, she didn’t feel alone. These little “Wills” were a comfort and never a burden. Though stressful caring for two babies with Will gone, she found fulfillment and peace. Their church at Fort Campbell provided constant support.

    Will was part of the 5th Special Forces Group’s Operational Detachment Alpha 595, the first Special Forces group inserted into Afghanistan to topple the Taliban, who were providing a safe haven for Osama bin Laden. The mission was called Task Force Dagger, and they were told some of them might not come home. Having to use horses, not tanks or trucks, they had a crash course on horseback riding as soon as they arrived. The horses were not trained, Will’s saddle was a cow’s pelvic bone, and they had to jerry-rig the short stirrups with parachute cords. They worked with Afghan allies they didn’t know if they could trust and trained and fought alongside the Northern Alliance.

    Able to travel day or night, the horses allowed them to get around and behind the enemy, cutting them off from reinforcements or retreat. A critical function of the Special Forces team was to call in air strikes on the Taliban. The horses allowed them to find the enemy’s position in the primitive and rugged terrain. This is how they became known as The Horse Soldiers of Afghanistan.

    One evening, Dawn watched Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the news. He showed a picture of the Horse Soldiers. Dawn could swear she saw Will in the photo. Several weeks into the mission, she spoke with Will on a satellite phone. She told him what she saw on the news. Will said, “Babe, we’re making the news.” Dawn said, “I knew that was you!”

    Hollywood made a movie titled “12 Strong” about this extraordinary mission. Never imagining the mission would turn into a movie someday, Will feels humbled, saying hundreds of missions deserve to have movies made about them. He doesn’t feel he deserves the accolades and says they were just doing the right thing.

    Dawn explains that God was missing from the movie. Most of the soldiers in-country prayed together and memorized the first psalm. Will shared the gospel in Afghanistan by talking to imams about God’s provision. They didn’t understand, so he showed them scriptures. They had questions and kept coming back to talk with him. Their leaders soon stopped them, but God had opened a door for soldiers to bring God into a godless place.

    Something had died in Will when he retired from the U.S. Army. Dawn says he had a renewed sense of the mighty man he was after seeing the movie. She believes the movie was God’s way of providing a chance for the Horse Soldiers to unify again. It was time for them to rise. Together, they examined a few business ideas and landed on making bourbon. Horse Soldier Bourbon has allowed Dawn to work alongside Will as a co-promoter of the product. They lived in Navarre for a time and then moved to Texas where they run a dairy farm. Will is the Texas regional manager for Horse Soldier Bourbon.

    The Horse Soldier statue stands at the 911 Memorial in New York City. The Port Authority held back some I-beams from the World Trade Center and gave one to the Horse Soldiers. They used part of the I-beam to create a monument at the Horse Soldier Bourbon headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida. The other part was melted down to make the Horse Soldier Bourbon bottle mold. Each bottle sold has touched ground zero steel.

    The Summer’s 11 children think their dad is awesome and a fantastic father. They love his stories. Dawn says he has amazing storytelling skills. She has homeschooled their children. They are older now and go with Will to events to support him. Dawn loves they see their dad being a successful businessman. The children present themselves as confident. They look you in the eye and are engaging, intelligent, and polite.

    Dawn maintains she couldn’t have done what she’s done without Will’s leadership. She says that leadership doesn’t mean everyone will agree with you. “In our differences, we can come together to fulfill God’s vision for our family,” Dawn explains.

    She describes the FWB Chamber’s Horse Soldier event as a gift. A family of 11 can’t afford vacations or dinners out. Sponsoring the Horse Soldiers and their families gave them a once-in-a-lifetime experience they will never forget. The event was a chance to teach their children about the generosity and kindness of a community. Dawn feels it is a symbol of the community coming together to “pass the torch” from the Doolittle Raiders avenging Pearl Harbor to 911. They are thankful. We are thankful for their service, inspired by their courage, and grateful for their positive spirit.


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  • Paul Singleton: A Singular Source of Generosity and Commitment

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • Tested, stalwart, and dedicated, are words describing Paul Singleton. A fixture as ambassador at the Fort Walton Chamber of Commerce, Paul has attended 1,650 ambassador events including local business ribbon cuttings. How does he know? He consults a little black book where records of such things are kept. Keeping track began years ago when ambassadors turned in hours to quantify service to the community.

    You may know chamber ambassador Paul Singleton, but not his story.

    Paul was raised in North Carolina, one of six children. His father was Chief of Police, worked in a defense plant, and served in the North Carolina National Guard during WWI. At seven years old, Paul’s father caught him lying and put him in jail. This lesson had a lasting effect on Paul.

    His father later became an invalid and a sharecropper. Paul worked shifts at a local paper mill while a senior in high school. With no available support from family, he enrolled in East Carolina University. There he met Anne George, from Richmond, Virginia. They married in 1955.

    He enlisted in the Air Force as a junior in college. On graduation night, after two years of Aviation Cadet School, Paul was asked if he was married. He couldn’t lie and said yes. Cadets were not supposed to be married. Paul didn’t graduate. 

    Re-enrolling in East Carolina University (ECU) in Air Force ROTC, Paul graduated in two years. In the second year, he had a teaching fellowship. During the break between junior and senior years, he went to ROTC Summer Camp, becoming the Cadet Commander. Paul returned to ROTC at ECU and served a term as Cadet Commander. After graduating as a Distinguished Military Graduate, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1958.

    Paul served in the Air Force as a Special Ops officer. He was a staff navigator for the 6315th Combat Operations Group in Okinawa from 1962 to 1966. He taught ROTC at the University of Southwestern Louisiana from 1966 to 1969 and attended gunship aircrew training in Ohio. During his time in Vietnam, Paul remembers being replaced on a 14-man gunship just before takeoff. The plane was shot down and only one man survived.

    Paul was chief of aircrew training at Hurlburt Field from 1970 to 1976, and attended and taught at the United States Air Force War College in Montgomery, Alabama from 1976 to 1981. He was again stationed at Hurlburt as part of the 16th Special Operations Squadron from 1981 to 1984 and served in Grenada from 1982 to 1984.

    A Lt. Colonel with 32 years of service, Paul retired from the Air Force but not from active life.

    He served Okaloosa County as a member of the executive committee for the United Way from 1984 to 1985, the Democratic Committee from 1987 to 1989, and President of the Guidance Clinic (now Bridgeway) in 1983. Paul was named mental health volunteer of the year.

    He also served as chairman of the American Heart Association from 1986 to 1991, member-at-large of the Concert Association from 1987 to 1991, Deacon of the 1st Presbyterian Church from 1988 to 1990, and member of the governing board for the West Florida Community Care Center in Milton, Florida from 1988 to 1990. He was on the YMCA board for 20 years.

    If that wasn’t enough, he was Lt. Governor of Kiwanis from 1992 to 1993, a trustee for the Florida District Foundation in 1994, and named Kiwanian of the Year in 1977 and 1993. Paul has been an ambassador for the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce since 1984, the Fort Walton Beach Coin Club secretary/treasurer from 1984 to 1989, and treasurer of the ROAIC Investment Club from 1985 to 1988.

    In 1990, Paul went to see Buddy Bracken at the Okaloosa Clerk of Courts. He told Buddy, “I need a job so I can get weekends off.” He was hired as an administrative assistant and public relations representative. He officiated swearing-in ceremonies and marriage ceremonies, wrote the newsletter, and created the first telephone directory for county workers to unify the county.

    Paul has many stories, but here are a few. 

    Public services were scarce in Okaloosa County in the early days. In 1971, Kiwanis created a hearing test program. People would call the telephone company and if they couldn’t hear certain words or numbers recited to them over the phone, they were told to see a doctor.

    Once a twelve-year-old boy was caught stealing a preacher’s car in Pensacola. Paul offered to have the boy stay at his house. When the boy left, Paul discovered his son’s coin collection was gone.

    As a deacon of the 1st Presbyterian Church, Paul served as property chairman. He says he was a unifier there as well because whenever he did anything to the kitchen, all the women got mad.

    Paul loves serving the community because he receives more than he gives. Paul and Anne were married for 63 years before she passed away in 2018. He has recently been inducted into the Distinguished Military Service Society at East Carolina University.


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  • Former Vietnam POW Howard Hill Tells His Story

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


    Descending by parachute, Howard Hill saw someone with a rifle running down the dirt road in his direction. When he landed, two men in militia outfits and pith helmets stood 10 feet away, looking down the sights of their rifles with bayonets. Forty to fifty more came out from the brush hollering. The Vietnamese government was offering villagers 110 lbs. of rice for every prisoner. It was December 1967.

    Trying to take off Howard’s gear, the militia couldn’t figure out the buckles, so they cut the straps with knives. Accidentally hitting the life preserver, the CO2 cartridges exploded. The militia stabbed wildly at the preservers to deflate them. Howard hoped they wouldn’t stab him. They took his flight suit and boots. They returned them minus the boot laces.

    His front-seater Jim landed in the woods, was captured, and brought in wearing only underwear and a t-shirt. Elbows bound behind his back, walking along the road to the village, they passed a group of women and children at a gate staring at them. Howard felt embarrassed for Jim and signaled to a guard asking about Jim’s flight suit. The guard said, “Him shoot, you no shoot.”

    Led to an open area, told to sit and bow their heads, people gathered around them. An old man hit Howard in the head. The crowd loved it. At night, they were taken to a room, given a cup of water, a dish of brownish coarse sugar with dried pumpkin powder, and a piece of baguette. Then, tied up even tighter and blindfolded for hours, Howard massaged his numb left arm with his right hand. He couldn’t lose circulation and possibly get gangrene.

    The guards stood him up and walked him to the door, where he felt cool air and heard the crowd noise. Still blindfolded, Howard was punched and kicked as they led him outside. A woman screamed and slapped his face. The crowd roared approval.

    Guards threw Howard on top of Jim in a jeep and drove to a creek. When he asked if anyone spoke English, the guards whacked him. They crossed the creek flanked on both sides by villagers. Kids threw dirt clods at them and kept hitting the guard. Howard wondered if he could overpower his guard, but had no gear and no place to go.

    A helicopter took them to the Hanoi Hilton. It was hard to believe only four months and one day earlier, Howard married his wife Libby.

    Arriving at the Hanoi Hilton, he was blindfolded again and taken to a room where he stood for a long time. Then the blindfold was taken off, he was untied, and interrogated through the night. Military information is perishable. They need to get it quickly. When he refused to answer questions, he was bound into a tight ball with ropes. Morning came, the interrogation stopped, and he laid down in the corner to sleep. They returned in the afternoon to begin again.

    In February 1968, three prisoners were released early. They violated the code of conduct by accepting special favors from the enemy and signing propaganda statements. In August, Howard’s front-seater Jim and two others violated the code and were released. It was meant to demoralize the rest of them.

    Howard and his roommate were shown copies of the signed statements and given quill pens. Told they could go home too; they refused. Twelve prisoners were given early release. Only one was honorable because the POW senior ranking officer ordered him to go and make public what was going on. Howard believed this helped their treatment. Those who left in February memorized names on 104 flight suits from doing laundry and provided the names to the U.S. Upon release, Jim confirmed Howard was captured.

    Howard began prison life in a 5 x 7-foot room and subsequently, moved to an 8 x 8 and a 14 x 14. POWs slept on raised concrete slabs or hardwood slats. A bare light bulb was always on so the guards could see them.

    POWs were given a rice mat, two blankets, a mosquito net, (Guards took that away if they were mad at you.), two pairs of underwear, two t-shirts, two pairs of trousers, two jackets, one pair of socks, and a pair of sandals made out of tires with inner tube straps. They also received a hand towel, a liter jug of boiled water twice a day, a bar of lye soap, a tube of toothpaste to last three months, an enamel dish, three cigarettes a day, and a fan on a bamboo stick.

    A five-gallon galvanized bucket was the toilet and coarse paper was used for toilet paper. They figured out that using their sandals as toilet seats could prevent the inevitable ringworm from the rim of the bucket and the imprint of the rim on their butts. Toothpaste also killed ringworm. They emptied the buckets into the open sewage ditch in the shower area. A shower was usually allowed every morning in an open-air, bamboo-walled area using a small rubber bucket with a rope attached to scoop water out of a cistern or well to pour on themselves. No showers on Sundays when they weren’t allowed out or if the guards were mad at them.

    At 6 a.m. the gong rang for the POWs to get up, fold their blankets, nets, and mat, and set them at the head of the bed. The guards played the same Radio Hanoi program from the night before about the glorious victories of the Vietnamese. After lunch, the guards took a siesta. Not allowed to communicate with each other, the POWS secretly communicated during siesta, but the guards got smart and tried to listen. Supper was in the evening. At 8 p.m. taps played, and it was time to go to bed. The POWs developed a tap code to communicate when in their rooms. Keeping watch on the guards from their windows, they would communicate verbally as much as possible.

    After the Son Tay Raid in November 1970, the POWs moved into Hoa Lo, the central prison in Hanoi. With 50 in a room once and no room for everyone to lay out their mats, some of the men taught classes. There were language classes, math, and even ballroom dancing.

    Meals consisted of soup made with pumpkin, kohlrabi, or turnips, a bowl of rice, or baguette. There might be meat or flat fermented fish. One room washed dishes for a building housing 20. They figured out they could write on the bottom of the bowls. They also used the end of toothpaste tubes to write on the coarse paper.

    Work detail included dredging sludge from the sewage ditch for the garden, washing dishes, making coal balls out of mud and soft coal used in the kitchen, or sweeping. Dredging sludge or making coal balls entitled you to a second shower. Guards asked three rooms of POWs to dig bomb shelters for the guards. Two said they would. The third refused. The third room POWs were beaten and had to dig. The POWs saying they would dig were left alone. The guards like to keep them off balance.

    Interrogations were called “quizzes” by POWs. Sitting on a small stool, if the guards didn’t like what they said, they were hit and knocked off the stool. They had to “stand” on their knees with their arms up in the air for hours. During surprise room inspections, guards would frisk them, throw around their belongings, and plant contraband. Senior officers got it the worst. Treatment depended on which camp you were in.

    Howard moved camps a few times. In 1969, he was in an old French movie studio where the Vietnamese held Christmas Eve Service for propaganda. East Germans filmed it. U.S. Intelligence obtained a copy and blew up every other frame into 5x7 still photos. At a gathering in 1970, the League of American Families spread the photos out on tables. Howard’s wife, Libby, walked by and saw a picture of Howard.

    One of the nicknames given to the interrogators was Judas-Maker. Another, Stag, spoke fluent English. Stag would stand outside under the POWs’ windows and try to get them to talk by sounding like an American to get them in trouble.

    In May 1972, four-and-a-half years into captivity, Howard and others were discussing how long the war would continue. They agreed it would go on for another 10-15 years. Howard said they knew they would go home, they just didn’t know when. They had faith in their country. That faith was rewarded when in March 1973 they were released.

    Howard says it was worse for the families not knowing whether their loved ones were alive or dead. Divorces and suicides were common among those returning. Howard says he was just so glad to be home.

    He has no hatred or animosity for the Vietnamese. He says they were doing their jobs, and he was doing his. “There is no sense in feeling sorry for yourself. Someone always has it worse. And good can be found in everything,” says Howard.

    He still feels the same sentiment used to sign off each time he and his fellow prisoners communicated by tap code, GBU GBA, for “God Bless You, God Bless America.”

    Howard Hill moved to Okaloosa County in 1991. He served as an Okaloosa County school board member from November 1996 to November 2010. He has served as President of the PAL Soccer League since January 24, 1994. The Niceville soccer field is named in his honor.




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  • Love at First Sight: A Match Made in Fort Walton Beach

    Story By: Kelly Murphy-Redd CEcD - The Official Storyteller of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce

  • This story begins, as many great stories do, at the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Intrepid leader and master of ceremonies Ted Corcoran was out of town in May of this year and made plans to transform the First Friday Coffee into a non-profit “trade show” in his absence.

    Director of Special Events, Rachelle Graves, walking by a particular table at the trade show, was drawn like a magnet to a poster with a photo of man’s best friend.

    But let’s pause here and take a step back in history.

    Rachelle Graves has lived in Fort Walton Beach most of her life. Her grandparents moved here in the 1930s. Her grandfather managed the army campground in Destin. Discharged from active duty, he remained involved, performing his duties at the recreation camp.

    Both of Rachelle’s parents were born in Fort Walton Beach. In 1958, her father, Gary Garrett, was adopted by a military family at Eglin AFB. He joined the Air Force out of high school and spent almost his entire career at Hurlburt Field.

    Gary has always had a dog. In November of 2021, his dog had a stroke and died. Rachelle kept telling him, “You need a dog. What kind of dog do you want?”

    Enter “Dog Daze,” the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce annual event. Dog Daze is a fun-filled day for all dogs (over 6 months old), and people who love dogs. The event is sponsored by Friendship Veterinary Hospital. Dozens of rescue organizations, dog trainers, veterinarian clinics, dog groomers, and more attend this huge, fun, one-day, dog event. Rachelle, the organizer of the event, met representatives from Healing Paws for Warriors there. The organization soon became a chamber member.

    Local, veteran-founded, and veteran-led, this 501(c) (3) organization is dedicated to providing combat veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Military Sexual Trauma (MST) trained ADA-certified service dogs at no cost to the veteran with continued support. This program is designed to reduce veteran suicide, and increase veteran and family health and wellness. 

    The Healing Paws for Warriors staff includes a combat medical war veteran, a practicing PTSD therapist, a professional service dog trainer, a veterinarian, and many other supportive volunteers.  

    The dogs are predominantly from local rescue shelters.  They are not pets, but service dogs with the complete protection and rights granted by the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The service dog trainer teaches the dogs and the lead veteran/K9 team trains the incoming veterans to be a team with their new battle buddy.  Their website also states their goals:

    • Bringing awareness to veteran suicide; reducing the numbers, one service dog at a time
    • Give hope and healing to Veterans and rescue dogs through empowering military heroes to return to civilian life with dignity and independence
    • Express gratitude to those who have served, or are serving our great country
    • Reduce the number of canines in shelters; ending pet homelessness


    Fast forward to that First Friday Coffee in May. Rachelle saw the poster of “Chopper”, a retiring service dog who needed a new home, and went over to talk with Mike Arena, the CEO of Healing Paws for Warriors. She told Mike her dad Gary needed a pet dog, not a service dog. Chopper had some Doberman in him and Gary had had Dobermans before. Rachelle took pictures of Chopper and texted them to her dad.

    Texts and phone calls ensued between Mike and Gary and a visit was scheduled for Gary to meet Chopper. Chopper’s foster parent says Chopper usually barks when meeting people but he didn’t when he met Gary.

    The next step was to bring Chopper to Gary’s home. Upon arrival, the Healing Paws for Warriors representative stated with certainty to Gary, “This is your dog.” Chopper arrived that day and never left. One month later, Gary and Chopper were best friends. It probably didn’t hurt that on that first night, Gary went to Walmart and bought two Ribeye steaks to grill for himself and Chopper.



    Rachelle says this love story would not have been possible without the connection between the chamber and Healing Paws for Warriors. She ends the story this way, “Happy Dad, Happy Dog.”











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