• IGY6 Company

    • Event Planning
    • Consultants - Personnel, Career, Interview Coaching & Resumes
    (518) 331-5315
    • About

      IGY6 Company

      At IGY6 Company, we believe in the power of unity and the indomitable spirit of the military community. Our core belief is rooted in reigniting the deep-seated patriotism and camaraderie that binds us all, especially reflecting the unity felt in the wake of September 11, 2001. We're driven by the mission to actively enrich the lives of service members, veterans, and their families, transforming respect and gratitude into tangible support and acknowledgment.

      We leverage our deep understanding of the military ethos and our commitment to those who have served and continue to serve. Through strategic partnership, empathy, and innovative solutions, we bridge the gap between military and civilian spheres. Our approach is collaborative, working closely with our clients to authentically connect with and engage the military community, ensuring our initiatives are impactful, meaningful, and reflective of our shared mission and values.

      IGY6 Company offers specialized consulting services that empower organizations by authentically tailoring their military focused events. IGY6 Company enhances military-focused events, fostering unity and purpose among attendees while honoring and supporting the military community by providing tangible takeaways. The Military Members that attend your events will leave feeling seen, heard and understood.

      To reignite the same level of patriotism, pride, and camaraderie that unified everyone in the United States on September 12, 2001.

      To actively enrich the lives of service members and their families, both past and present, by organizing and authentically elevating our clients' military social impact.

      - We ARE America's Military: A profound declaration of identity and dedication, emphasizing a deep connection with and commitment to the military community.
      - Dedication to the 0.39%: A focused commitment on the small, yet profoundly impactful fraction of the population who have served or are serving, highlighting the exclusivity and importance of their role in protecting the United States of America.

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